Imagine a group of people that murders over 800000 people in the USA alone, corrupts politicians, spreads lies,poisons people and deliberatly spreads disease in poorer countries and among certain groups. Surrely if that happened people would be up in arms. Stop them, stop them would be the cry... Sadly this is what is happening today without anybody saying a word... The killer represents far too much money and prestige. It is one of the major arms of the secret society networks that are controlled by the Illuminati. The killer is the pharmaceutical/medical Cartel. In this article we will study how the pharmaceutical cartel works on the five sense level. Through concrete exemples we will see how most of the things your doctor (usually a high class parrot) tells you are just a pack of lies motivated by money and power. But as with anything that is created by the Illuminati we will study the spiritual trap behind modern medecine and the real reasons why alternative medicines (that really work) are persecuted.
To start with, "modern medecine" was essentially created by a lying illuminati stooge Louis Pasteur. This man, branded the saviour of humanity by many so-called scientists was nothing more than a liar and a cheat that was used by secret societies to put forward so called modern medicine. Louis Pasteur is often hailed as the inventor of vaccination. Nothing can be further from the truth. The chinese invented vaccination in the 5th century BC. They had a practice called variolisation. They used to use dried pus from people who had survived smallpox and made people that had not yet been touched by the epidemic inhale it. The results were that people received immunity with little side effects. Why? Because the natural routes of the infection were respected. The immune cells in the respiratory tracts were activated, then the immune cells and the lungs and then the immune cells in the blood. There were also no immunity enhancers such as mercury, aluminium and calf's foetal serum that are used in modern vaccines. As we will show later, these are responsible for the many diseases caused by vaccination. Anyway, Louis Pasteur stole vaccines created by another researcher in his famous Poilly-Le-Fort experiment where he "demonstrated" the efficiency of his vaccine against Anthrax in sheep. Why did he do this? Because his vaccine was ineffecient. In fact farmers who after the "experiment"bought pasteur's vaccine had so much failures that they embarked in long procedures in order to get their money back... Pasteur's Vaccine against rabies was also copied from other researchers... In fact, one of Pasteur's first (and most famous patient) was not even bitten by a rabied dog...One of Pasteur's patients who received "the great man's" vaccine died of rabies... However, it was not dog's rabies... It was the form that affects rabbits the very animals that were used to make Pasteur's vaccines... However, this is never told in medical litterature. In fact, many people traveled from as far away as Russia to receive Pasteur's vaccination. Many of the people who received Pasteur's vaccination died. A number of Pasteur's so called discoveries were stolen from a doctor Antoine Bechamp who ended up being ignored by history. Why? Because Bechamp had not been chosen by the secret society network to become prominent he was too quiet and honest. Also his theory that said that germs only develop in a certain body environment was not good for the then emerging pharmaceutical cartel. It could potentially give rise to real preventive and cheap medicine that would not need doctors. All the patient would have to do would be to keep a good environment in his body (good food and hygiene) in order to cure and prevent disease... Not good for making money. Pasteur's theory a microbe: a disease was much more lucrative to the pharmaceutical cartel: it would mean that one had to buy a medicine or a vaccine to cure or prevent a disease. Often the drug and the vaccine would have side effects that would have to be cured by another medecine that would have other side effects. You see dear reader, the Illuminati do not want you to be healthy. All they want is your money on one level and your soul and your power on another (more about that later).
A good part of modern medicine is (at one level) only there to give money to the pharmaceutical cartel and its masters the illuminati. Vaccination (click here to watch a good film on the reality behind vaccines) for example are just one part of the scam. Vaccines are supposed to protect mankind from a great number of diseases. This is a blattant lie. Infectious diseases did not start to decline with vaccination. They started to decline once people had access to clean drinking water and good food. Smallpox for example started to decline once people had access to sufficient food and hygiene. In the nineteenth century, there were towns in England that experienced almost no cases of smallpox without anybody being vaccinated. Why? Because they lived in fairly good sanitary conditions. In London, where most of the people were vaccinated, smallpox killed many thousands... Because people lived in appaLling conditions due to the mass arrival of peasants in the capital because of the industrial revolution...
Today, there is massive propaganda for parents to poison their children with the MMR jab. What they don't tell you is that deaths by measles had declined by 99,4% BEFORE the introduction of the vaccine... Measles is only a threat when a person's general health is poor. If people are well fed and live in proper conditions measles is a benine disease. Is it not a coincidence that in France measles was classified as a serious disease just AFTER the vaccine was recommended. Even the classic DTP is not as efficient as doctors want us to believe. Diptheria had started to decline many years before the vaccine was introduced. In Slovenia studies showed that Tetanus still occured among people that were vaccinated with a mortality rate of over 10%. The polio virus attacks the nervous system more efficiently if the muscles have micro-lesions. The big epidemics of the fifties were due to the over-use of injections that damaged the muscle nerve junctions of children. In fact, it is the decline in the use of injections to administer penicillin and the tougher hygIene rules that stopped the polio epidemics... Not vaccination.
In fact vaccines are killers: first of all they contain amongst other things mercury a neurotoxin, aluminium a neurotoxin that is linked to Alzeihmer's disease, Calf's feotal serum that causes under certain conditions severe immune responses. Vaccines are also filled with contaminant viruses (simian viruses in particular) that are linked to cancer and leukemia. In fact the whole concept of vaccination is flawed. Think of it... Children as young as one month often receive as many as six vaccines in one go. It is as if they received six diseases simultaniously plus many many poisons. No wonder there are more and more autoimmune diseases. Vaccines could also explain in part the rise in childhood cancers, psychotic disorders and autism a condition that was almost unknown thirty years ago. I was speaking last summer to a lady whose godchild had had a perfectly normal developement until he received the MMR jab. Within days his intelligence started to decline. The once healthy child became more and more locked into himself. He was diagnosed with autism. The hepatitis B vaccine has mamed thousands of people in France alone through its side effects (Multiple sclerosis,Motoneurone disease...). According to the FIOA. The MMR and DTP vaccines officially killed 70 people in the UK in 1990 alone. That figure is to be put in perspective with the seven deaths by measles in the whole EU in between 2006 and 2008. No, vaccines are not there to help us. They are here to bring money to the medical cartel and their masters the Illuminati. On another level they are used to deliberatly make us ill in order for "big pharma" to make money and also to reduce population in developping countries. Is it a coincidence that aids spread in Africa after vaccination campains against polio. Is it a coincidence that among the first victims of aids in the western world, all of them were homosexuals who had received the Hepatitis B vaccine. Think I am paranoid? The "people" who rule the earth are evil. They have no soul as such and will stop at nothing. In the USA, in the 1950's and 60's and 70's it is now OFFICIAL that the CIA experimented with drugs and radioactive substances on its own citizens... Do you think that evil has stopped? No it has just got worse.
Click here for more info
On a more spiritual level, the poisons contained in vaccines destroy the DNA and the nervous system. But as modern research has shown, DNA is a molecule that acts like an antenna through which we perceive our reality that is nothing more than a frequency wave. The nervous system then organises what is perceived by the DNA. At the present moment, we are witnessing an awakening due to the end of a 26000 cosmic cycle. One of the biggest fears of the illuminati and the entities that control them is that we begin to perceive beyond five sense reality and that death, suffering and reality itself is an illusion. If we realise this and realise that we are prisonners of an illusion garded by inter-dimentional beings, we stop giving our power away to the Illuminati and their masters and regain our full power of infinite beings. (more about this later). So, in order to stop our awakening and keep us prisonner of the five sense reality, there is no better way than to attack the DNA and the nervous system. In other words, to attack the way we perceive reality and keep us prisonner of our five sense reality. That is the ultimate aim of vaccines in my opinion.
Vaccines are by no means the only domain of modern medecine that are lies. The whole business is. Modern oncology for example is a classic fake. Millions of people every year die through the use of the most BARBARIC of all treatments Chemotherapy. Not only is it barbaric but it is also almost totally inefficient. According to French Oncologist Doctor Laurent Schwartz, less than 5% of cancers are cured by chemotherapy... In fact chemotherapy only has a certain efficiency in five rare cancers: Childhood leukemia, Hogkin's disease, testicular cancer, some types of lymphoma and bone cancer. And at what price: 40% of women "cured" by chemotherapy from hodgkin's disease will developp brest cancer before the age of 35. 5to 10% of patients "cured" from Hogkin's disease will develop leukemia... And the list goes on and on. 10 years after one of those 5 cancers is "cured", treatment side effects become the first cause of death. In other words the treatment is a killer. Today, most of cancer patients receive chemotherapy that is in most cancers totally inefficient... except for the side effects that often kill the patient before the cancer. Chemotherapy is usually made out of the same substances as... the gases used in world war one. The irony of this type of "treatment" is that is destroys the bone marrow of the patients, the very marrow that produces the white blood cells that keep cancer at bay. However, big pharma continues to say that chemotherapy works and that it is a cure for cancer. Nothing is further from the truth. Want an exemple: in 2001, Herceptin made the headlines of the French News: it was labled a miracle cure for advanced breast cancer. In reality, it worked in only 25% of all breast cancer with a survival rate extended by... less than 6 months. Any alternative healer saying what big pharma said about herceptin would end up in prison....
Click here for facts on chemotherapy
Click here for facts on chemotherapy 2
Tha same problems can be found with antibiotics that are often unefficient and cause cancer. At a scientific congress I was talking with a woman suffering from ovarian cancer. She told me that her oncologist suspected that the frequent use of antibiotics was the triggering mecanism behind her cancer. But you will tell me antibiotics have saved millions of lives, they were after all a breakthrough in fighting diseases? Or were they? Did you know for exemple that in London in the 1859 Cholera epidemic, the use of homeopathy reduced the mortality from 60% to 9%. The same as with antibiotics (WITHOUT THE SIDE EFFECTS).
A lot of other diseases were treated just as efficiently through homeopathy than with antibiotics or vaccination. The mortality of diptheria was reduced from 80% to 15% through the use of homeopathy. That is comparable to antibiotics.
The same lies are seen in every branch of modern medecine. In fact the biggest killer in the US is not cancer or heart disease: it is allopathic medecine that kills nearly 800000 americans every year. That is about 4 hiroshima bombs.
Click here for a clip on the truth behind allopathic medecine.
How can this happen? Well first of all you must realise that the medical cartel and most sycophant doctors that follow blindly its advice are not their for your best of interest. At a five sense level their is power and money involved. The pharmaceutical companies or company (as if you go high enough, the seemingly competing companies all merge into one, just like the political parties) does not want you to get better, they want you to become prisonner of the poisons they manufacture. Through the use of DRUGS THEY RELIEVE TEMPORARILY A SYMPTOM AND CREATE A SIDE EFFECT THAT WILL BE RELIEVED TEMPORARILY BY ANOTHER DRUG THAT WILL CREATE ANOTHER SIDE EFFECT. ALL THIS UNTIL THE BODY ENDS UP DYING POISONED BY THE DRUGS. This my friends is the reality behind modern medicine and the pharmaceutical cartel. The pharmaceutical cartel is extremely powerful and bribes through lobbying politicians and doctors to go in its direction. Each year, the pharmaceutical cartel pays hundred of thousands of dollars in the USA alone in lobbying. The same in Europe. They also corrupt doctors by giving them tickets for football matches, free holidays (hidden as medical conferences where in reality there is half a day of conference and one week rest in a four star hotel), commissions if they prescribe a certain amount of a certain medecine for a certain condition. All hospital committees (that decide treatments) have members of big pharma on their list.
Both parties in US elections usually always have massive donations from big pharma. In any case, the pharmaceutical mafia donates many millions of dollars to each political party in any country in the world. In fact through the system of turning doors, many senior politicians are former top executives of pharmaceutical companies. Many senior politicians then become executives of pharmaceutical companies. So is the pharmaceutical cartel at the top of the pyramid... Certainly not, but it is an extremely powerful tool of the iIluminati. First of all it brings in a lot of money. Second of all through evil vaccination campaigns it participates in the elimination of groups of people that are indesirable to the new world order of the illuminati. But there is a third spiritual and more sinister reason why the pharmaceutical cartel is so important to the illuminati. It helps to maintain man in the dark about his real self: a divine being, that is immortal infinite conciousness. The physical body is in reality an illusion. It is made out of energy (a vibration, a frequency) that we perceive as solid. The biggest threat to the illuminati is that we discover our real nature that is why they want us to continue thinking we are just a chemical physical body (a lie promoted by big pharma) that dies and that is powerless against threats FROM THE EXTERIOR. Hence, by keeping us in the illusion of duality and physicality and by destroying our DNA through vaccines, the entities behind the illuminati maintain there real power. According to many myths we were all infinite consciousness(oneness) until through fear we created duality. This duality led to the formation of a thought form based on fear that began to feed off our fear and emotions. To generate more fear and duality this thought form created our physical reality and the illusion of death. You see my friends, religion, science politics and everything that comprises this system are traps by the thought form to create duality (giving our power to someone else: the doctor, the scientist, the politician...) and fear (fear of death, of microbes, of "terrorism" or "global warming"). The gardiens of the thought form are the reptilian entities that control the illuminati through possession (more on that in a latter article). They are the ones who have set up the system through the illuminati, secret societies and corrupted mystery schools. They are souless beings that are extensions of the thought form based on fear. To exist, they need to maintain duality and fear and keep us in the illusion in order for us to give away our power and feed them with our emotion. Do you now understand why alternative therapies that work are persecuted by the illuminati. On one level, they are cheap and efficient as opposed to allopathy: they cure disease without any side effets. Magnetism for exemple (if it is well used) will block the cancer process and help the body to heal at its rythmn. Many people have been cured that way. Homeopathy as we have seen is extremely efficient at fighting and preventing infectious diseases and preventing degenerative disease. The hammer techniques for curing and preventing cancer have extremely high survival rates. Doctor Hamer stated that most diseases including cancer evolved from conflit and emotionnal choc. Find the conflict and the sources of traumatism and you stop the cancer. How does it work? A repressed emotion creates an unbalance is the energy waves that constitute the body. Integrate the emotion and your body is again rebalanced.... There are many, many other techniques that work. All these medecines are cheap therefore they cut the flow of money to big pharma. That is on a five -sense level why they are suppressed. On a spiritual level, the main reason why all these alternative means are persecuted is that they tell us that the physical body and the physical universe are illusion. What we perceive as physical is in reality just an energy wave vibrating at a low frequency. It is through our conditioning by the system that we perceive it as physical. These therapies also reveal to the patient that he has an immortal soul and that he is oneness. In other words that he has the possibility to cure himself. A good therapist will always tell the patient that is his own body, his own soul that cures itself... The therapist is only there to put the patient on the road to healing. This is the main reason why alternative medecine is persecuted in a Nazi style way by the illuminati. It is because it represents to much of a risk for the two biggest feeding sources of the fear thought form: duality and illusion of physicality and death. Many therapists that have helped to cure hundreds of people are flung into prison for charlatanism and illegal medical practice especially in France but basically in all of the so-called civilised world. How ironic then that Louis Pasteur that "god" for most modern doctor was never a medical doctor (he was chemist). As you have seen in this article I have tried to show that we are living under an illusion, modern medicine and big pharma are one of the most sinister parts of it but they are by no means the only part of it. The main reason d'etre for the system is not money but energy extraction through the creation of fear, duality and dependance. We are infinite beings that through fear and lies have been made to feed a thought form (that we have created ourselves) and the reptilian entities that are an extension of it. Only by reclaming our infinite power by stopping giving it away can we set ourselves free. This is why it is extremely important to expose every part of the system on the physical but also the spiritual level.
See you soon!
Leo Noury.
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