Monday, 12 January 2009

What is the Gaza conflit all about?

A few interesting and unbiased sources of information to understand what the Gaza conflit really is about. It is a conflit created by the Illuminati in order to advance their plan: the creation of a new world order. Palestinians and Israelies are nothing more than pawns in the Illuminati power game. At another level the palestinian conflict like every other war has no other goal than to harvest humain pain and suffering.

Click here for the analysis of Ron Paul who has a very interesting view on the five sense level.

Click here for David Icke's fantastic analysis. He is in my opinion one of the only researchers that has truly grasped the big picture.

See you soon



Unknown said...

Hi Leo,

My name is Sarah and I am writing form France. I really apporeciate your comments as they exactly the double sided face of perversion that creates confusion in the world today. The examples you provide with Monsanto and green movement is exactly what I think. I have many examples like this in my country in France but I just stopped to talk about it to everybody because most of them they are so blind they just do not see and drink what they are given as if this was milk. This is crazy !

Unknown said...

Hi Leo,

My name is Sarah and I am writing form France. I really apporeciate your comments as they exactly the double sided face of perversion that creates confusion in the world today. The examples you provide with Monsanto and green movement is exactly what I think. I have many examples like this in my country in France but I just stopped to talk about it to everybody because most of them they are so blind they just do not see and drink what they are given as if this was milk. This is crazy !